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14 February 2024 • 4 min

Unlocking the secrets to drive growth from the UK

By Caterina Drossopoulou, Trade & Investment Advisor at the Department for Business and Trade (DBT)

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In the fast-paced world of business, catching the eye of the right UK investor can be the turning point from a great idea to a groundbreaking business success.

But what exactly are investors looking for? And more importantly, how can you make your company stand out?

In this blog post, I will share some key insights into UK investor appeal and further tools available to help you drive growth from the UK.

Understanding key investor criteria

Investors are inundated with pitches, each promising the next big thing. To rise above the noise, it's crucial to understand what they're really looking for:

  • Innovative solution to a real problem
    Investors seek companies that offer unique solutions to genuine problems, not just incremental improvements over existing products.
  • Scalable business model 
    Your business should have the potential for significant growth and scalability. Investors are interested in returns, and scalability is key.
  • Strong and passionate team
    The people behind the idea often matter as much as the idea itself. A dedicated, skilled, and cohesive team is a critical factor.
  • Market potential 
    A clear understanding of your target market, its size, and how you plan to penetrate it can make your business much more attractive.
  • Financial health and projections
    Realistic, well-planned financial projections show that you understand the path to profitability.

Making your company stand out

With these criteria in mind, how can you tailor your pitch to stand out?

  • Tell a compelling story 
    Narratives are powerful. Frame your business idea as a story, focusing on the problem, your journey, and the solution.
  • Show, don't just tell
    Demonstrations or prototypes can make your pitch more tangible and engaging.
  • Data-driven decisions 
    Back your claims with data. Market research, early traction, or pilot results can be persuasive.
  • Clear value proposition
    Be clear about what sets your product or service apart from the competition.
  • Prepare for tough questions
    Investors will challenge your assumptions. Be ready with well-thought-out responses.

Expand Your Business - a new tool available to help you drive growth

Our free, personalised tool to expanding your business in the UK can be an invaluable resource. Tailored to all sizes and types of businesses, this tool offers a quick, two-minute setup process and covers essential steps like opening a bank account and applying for visas in an easy checklist format.

It also delves into UK funding, grants, incentives, sector-relevant events and networks, finding the ideal location and staff, connecting with expansion experts, and leveraging government export support and trade agreements.

By aligning your company with the tool's insights, you can refine your approach to meet key investor criteria. Use it to craft a compelling story, back your claims with data, demonstrate your unique value proposition, and prepare for tough investor questions.

Want to know more?

Our upcoming exclusive event for Greek founders on 28 February 2024 is not just another networking opportunity. It's a chance to gain insider knowledge on what UK investors are looking for and how to position your company for success.

Standing out to investors requires a blend of innovation, strategic planning, and compelling storytelling. Register now for our event to explore more secrets to capturing investor interest and turning your company vision into reality. 

This is one of a series of events provided by DBT in Greece empowering entrepreneurship and innovation and raising awareness of the opportunities the UK business landscape offers.

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About the VC Matchmaking

The UK’s Department for Business and Trade has developed an initiative to connect the UK’s venture capitalists with live investment opportunities from across Europe & Israel. Our aim is to facilitate more connections between the best young European companies, those seeking the capital needed to internationalise their businesses, and the rich network of funders across the UK.

Read the latest VCM brochure